A Core Part of Successful Dental Marketing

New Move-In Cards

The proven BEST WAY to tell new neighbors about your practice!

  • Each year about 14% of people change homes
  • New Move ins convert into patients at a much higher rate
  • New Move ins and their families spend 6 times more money their first 6 months in the neighborhood

There are many different opinions on how you should market your practice. But most dental marketing experts agree that New Move in mailers should be a fundamental pillar of your marketing efforts. The few months after a prospect moves into your neighborhood are a prime opportunity to introduce yourself and make a good impression.

New families are building all new relationships and searching for business and friends that are a good fit for needs. Our program is proven to get you in front of them during this critical moment in time, in the most effective way possible. All New Move-ins get your custom designed introduction in their hands once a month, for the first 6 months on average after moving in to maximize your chances of adding their family as quality new patients.

We also provide you all available phone numbers for these New Move ins, as well as a simple introductory script to welcome them to the neighborhood! And, our entire program costs you less than half price of what our competitors charge you for their less effective program. Get started today making the most of your marketing dollars!

Request A Free Marketing Assessment

Interested in designing your own postcard?

Check out our new self-serve portal. It’s a great option if you need small quantity mailings with lower marketing budgets, or if you just want a little more design control. 

See our digital marketing partner company, Gargle.com.

See your potential patients lifetime value, and your short and long-term direct mail return on investment results with our direct mail ROI calculator.

Ready to grow your dental practice?

Get started with a Free Marketing Assessment

Be on your way to more patients within 48 hours with our Free Marketing Assessment. Learn the best opportunity for your dental practice from one of our marketing specialists.

June 1st - September 3oth

50% OFF

Digital Management Fees
for 3 Months! 

$750 value!

*This offer is for customers who have not previously used UpSwell’s digital marketing services for PPC Search or Social Media Ads. The Digital Splash promotion requires a minimum 3-month commitment to either social media ads or pay-per-click, and a media spend of at least $1,000 per channel. A one-time new customer set up fee of $150 will be charged upon signature of the contract. Contact UpSwell Marketing for details.