Marketing a gym is different from other types of companies. Instead of selling a product, or even a specific service, the gym tries to sell a healthier image, a stronger body, and a better lifestyle.

One way gyms can reach out to potential customers is to take advantage of social media, but it isn’t always easy to get started. It’s important to know what to do and how to do it. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, use the following tips to learn how to use social media for marketing your gym.

Build a brand

When your customer visits your Facebook page, are they going to know it’s yours? Of course, they can read the name, but a brand makes the page instantly recognizable and boosts recognition in the future. Branding can help make the social media accounts stand out, help viewers know what the gym offers, and give them a better idea of what you specialize in to see that your gym is an excellent option for them, even before they view any of your content. Keep branding consistent between the various social media accounts, so your viewers know they’re taking a look at an account for your gym. 

Know your target audience

Take time to research who your target customer is. Are you targeting people interested in strength training, those who are looking to get in better shape, or those who want a spa-like experience? Think about why your current customers choose your gym and what other people may be looking for, as well as where your customers are located, what they might be interested in, and anything else that may be important. By knowing the target audience, you can tailor all the content to make sure it’s what they need.

Man adding weight to barbell

Know the social media networks

If you’re not familiar with the various social media networks, start by learning more about the difference between them and pick one or two to start with. It’s always possible to add more later. Some of the top social media sites for gyms to engage with potential customers include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. These all have many different consumers you can reach out to, and they all have different ways for you to connect with the customers. 

  • Facebook has been around a lot longer, but it’s still a place for just about anyone to get information on the things they’re interested in and connect with others who have the same interests. It’s possible to use Facebook for longer posts, photos, videos, live streaming, and hosting events. 
  • Twitter has character limits, meaning posts can’t be more than 280 characters. However, it’s a great way to reach more customers through hashtags and be a great way to share videos or photos with customers. 
  • Instagram is a photo-focused website, though videos can be uploaded as well. There is little written content, though it can be added to the description of photos and videos. Hashtags can be a great way to connect with new customers here as well. 
  • Tik Tok is a newer platform, compared to the other ones, but it’s quickly becoming a go-to social media site for younger adults. Tik Tok mainly focuses on videos, so it’s an excellent way to share short videos with customers. 

Take advantage of hashtags

Hashtags connect content that is similar together. When a hashtag is used on a social media post, viewers can click the hashtag to view more content about that specific topic. Many different types of hashtags can be used to connect with customers and help the content gain more views. It’s possible to use hashtags in sentences for shorter posts or at the end of a post to connect it with other trending content, and it’s possible to use multiple hashtags in each post to boost the views further.  

Create fantastic content

No matter which social media site you start with, make sure the content is eye-catching and looks professional. There are many different options for gyms to use for content, so there’s always something else to create and share. For written content, make sure the content is interesting and well-written, avoiding any grammar or spelling mistakes that can turn customers away. For videos or photos, take advantage of professional editing tools to make sure the final product looks great. 

Provide help to viewers

No matter what type of content you create, make sure it’s helpful to viewers. Content can include trainers offering tips to viewers, photos of how some of the gym equipment works, information about food or drinks sold at the gym, and more. The key to making the content interesting is to provide information that customers are looking for and will help them when they go into the gym. 

Trainer helping gym attendant

Don’t just write

It’s easy to stick with just written content for social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, but images and videos are often more engaging. Even if the content is written, include an image or video to boost views and engagement. If you’re creating a post with a healthy recipe, for instance, include a photo of the food or drink so consumers will be more likely to view it. If you’re sharing stats on how to get stronger faster, show a video of someone doing a few exercises. 

Go live

Going live is a fantastic way to drive up interest. Consumers want to see what’s going on and want to interact with the company, and a great way to encourage that is to create live videos. With a live video, it’s easy to read comments from customers and answer questions or show off exercises in the video. Customers get the chance to feel like they’re a part of the video and can watch what’s happening at the gym even when they aren’t there. Social media sites like Facebook offer information on how to create live videos.

Appearing and disappearing content

Who wants to miss out on something that’s going on? Social media has contributed to the fear of missing out, as viewers want to make sure they don’t miss anything that’s happening. You can use this to help create more engagement and interest for your gym by using ephemeral content, which is any type of content that is only available for a short time. Any type of content can be used this way, and viewers are more likely to follow your gym and look for the content if there’s a chance they could miss out on something interesting. 

Try targeted ads

Along with posting on social media, ads can be a great way to reach new viewers and boost sales for gym memberships, especially around the beginning of the year. Use the branding to help viewers notice the ads and consider using videos to help the ad stand out more. Check out more information on social media ads to make sure your ads will be as effective as possible. 

Look into influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is continuing to be an incredibly effective way to expand a company’s reach on social media and attract new viewers. Many brands, including gyms, can benefit from influencers. When an influencer talks about your gym, new viewers who may not know about it are more likely to start following you on social media and may want to get a gym membership to be like the influencer. Consider starting with smaller influencers that are within your gym’s niche to reach out to your target audience through them. 

Get users to engage

One of the key things to remember for social media marketing is to keep viewers engaged. It’s important to keep them interested in the gym, keep them viewing content, and keep the gym in mind. This can be easy to do, however, and can be a part of every post. Whether you’re sharing tips for working out or a great new recipe to try, ask for feedback, or ask other questions designed to get viewers to engage and discuss with you and each other. 

Keep posting regularly across platforms

Always post consistently. It’s important to post regularly to create a stronger presence and stay in front of the competition. Create a plan for when and what you’ll post to help make this easier to do. For instance, you may post recipes on Mondays and exercise tips on Thursdays. You don’t have to post every day, but by following a plan and posting consistently, your viewers will know what to expect and when to look for new posts.

Social media marketing can be a great way for a gym to reach out to both potential members and current members, but it is important to do it right. Whether you’re new to social media or you’re looking to restore your image and reach more customers, there is help available. 

Check out UpSwell Marketing today to learn more about how we can help you reach more viewers on social media, create more engagement, and gain new customers for your gym.

June 1st - September 3oth

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*This offer is for customers who have not previously used UpSwell’s digital marketing services for PPC Search or Social Media Ads. The Digital Splash promotion requires a minimum 3-month commitment to either social media ads or pay-per-click, and a media spend of at least $1,000 per channel. A one-time new customer set up fee of $150 will be charged upon signature of the contract. Contact UpSwell Marketing for details.
