During this year’s Women’s History Month, we are celebrating the healing and hope that women of all cultures and backgrounds have provided throughout history. We are recognizing the major accomplishments made specifically by female business owners, and we are inspired by the way women are making huge strides toward finding a voice in business.

According to the National Association of Women Business Owners, more than 11.6 million US firms are owned by women, and 5.4 million firms are majority-owned by women of color. This is huge progress from where we were a few decades ago. Women across all industries are impacting our world today as business owners, entrepreneurs, influencers, and decision-makers.

Market your female-owned and operated successes

There are 114% more women entrepreneurs than there were 20 years ago, and although only 4 out of 10 businesses are women-owned, this is something worth celebrating. As you navigate owning and operating your business, keep your identity at the front and center of your business. Show your female-owned status proudly and incorporate it into your marketing.

Here are some tips to get you thinking about a femme-forward campaign:

  • Everyone has a story, and yours is worth telling. Showcase your unique perspective as a woman in business and include it on the frontlines of your brand (website content, social media, in the news). Be intentional with your brand position and be authentically you
  • Social media is a powerful tool to connect, engage, and network with other female leads —so use it to your advantage. As you gravitate toward other women in business, support and uplift one another to build brand awareness and drum up more buzz surrounding your businesses.
  • Use women-owned keywords in your creative content to establish your female-led brand in search. By focusing your SEO efforts on ranking for these keywords, you might discover a whole new niche for your business.

Invest in yourself and other women

You are your biggest advocate, so invest in yourself and your business, but don’t forget to invest in other women. Support comes in all shapes and sizes, and being invested in your local community will build rapport with other women-led businesses and foster empowering partnerships.

Advocating women-owned businesses through marketing

Consumers are excited to support female-leaders, especially entrepreneurs who are carving out a new place for women in the workplace. As part of the demographic responsible for employing close to 9 million people and generating $1.7 trillion in sales, you should feel proud to make history.

As advocates for women-leadership and supporters of women-owned businesses, we understand the needs and demands of running your business and reaching your audience through marketing your unique self. For more information on how UpSwell can help with your small business marketing strategy, contact us today and talk to an expert in your industry.

June 1st - September 3oth

50% OFF

Digital Management Fees
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$750 value!

*This offer is for customers who have not previously used UpSwell’s digital marketing services for PPC Search or Social Media Ads. The Digital Splash promotion requires a minimum 3-month commitment to either social media ads or pay-per-click, and a media spend of at least $1,000 per channel. A one-time new customer set up fee of $150 will be charged upon signature of the contract. Contact UpSwell Marketing for details.
