With dental offices popping up all over the country, it can be challenging to stand out from the rest. The old cookie-cutter marketing approach simply will not suffice. Thinking outside the box is essential for any dental office that wants to rise above the competition and see greater success in bringing in new patients.

Yes, the keystone of any successful dental practice is the quality of dental services performed and patient care. No matter how talented a dental staff is, without a concrete marketing plan, no patients will ever know.

Even with a multitude of marketing mediums at their disposal, many dental offices and practices do not make marketing a priority. Those who want to grab the attention of potential patients and secure their offices as authoritative and trustworthy sources need to focus on creative marketing techniques.

Stand Out from the Crowd

Experts estimate the average person is exposed to around 5,000 forms of advertising daily. As you can imagine, this makes many become tired of looking at ads, so they are often ignored.

To stand out from the crowd, a dental office needs to implement creative means of marketing, without becoming cliché. When hiring a dental marketing agency, choosing one that offers distinctive marketing approaches is essential for success.

Out-of-the Box Dental Marketing Ideas

While it seems there is no marketing idea that is truly new, there are still plenty of options that are outside of the box and will speak to potential patients by getting their attention. Though coming up with something entirely unique can be challenging, a talented agent can assist dental offices in reaching their marketing goals without using the same tired approach of every other practice in their vicinity. Consider the following fresh ideas.

1. Like Pulling Teeth

Tooth-shaped business cards that are attached to gums are a great marketing approach that will gain the attention of everyone who sees them. Each business card “tooth” is pulled out of the gum tissue, so people can call for their dental appointments. What a novel approach to engaging potential patients!

2. Fun Business Cards

Every dental office uses business cards, but most of them are boring or predictable. Why not step outside of the norm and bring in creativity and fun? One dental office inserted their business cards in a paper sleeve with a tooth-shaped cutout. The alignment of the images on the card created a “cavity” in the tooth. When the card is removed, the cavity is gone. What a unique way to advertise dental services!

3. Interact with the Community

Anyone can create a clever gimmick ad to attract attention, but what works even better is not gimmicky at all. Interacting with the community is essential for creating interest in a dental practice, but the interaction must be genuine.

Building healthy relationships with the community also builds trust and brand awareness. Sponsoring a youth baseball team, attending festivals, and holding cookout events are all helpful in bringing attention to a dental practice.

4. Partner with a Pizza Parlor

Partnering with a pizza parlor is a great way to increase interest in a dental office. Dentists can pay to have the inside lid of the pizza box printed with an ad for their dental office. In turn, the dental office can give out pizza coupons, resulting in a win-win for both businesses.

5. Do Not Forget Instagram

Instagram is a social media destination that has become highly popular, especially among young people. Why not begin to influence public opinion by offering before and after photos and videos of dental results?

Dental offices that are not on social media platforms are missing out on helpful ways to increase their branding. It has been estimated around 223 million Americans are on social media. Instagram and others are ideal for thinking outside of the box and creating a buzz of excitement with digital marketing.

6. Offer Incentives

Offering incentives is a sound way to get new patients for dental offices. Dental offices often offer free exams or cleanings.

It is important to do a little research and learn what other dental offices are offering. Dentists need to make sure they are providing a unique incentive, so they create more interest.

7. Unique Billboards

Unique billboards draw the eyes and create curiosity. When you couple advertising with humor, people are sure to remember a dental practice name.

Some dentists have produced billboards that feature a person eating the sign because their teeth are so strong and healthy. An attention-grabbing billboard needs to be unique and even shocking.

8. Light Fixture Ads

One dental office had a brilliant idea for marketing their practice. They purchased ad space on ceiling lights. The light from the fixture gleamed through the person’s pearly whites, making their smile appear to glow. What better way to promote beautiful and healthy smiles?

Do Not Be Afraid to Be Creative

Many dental offices want to play it safe, so they never rise to the occasion and think too creatively. Unfortunately, playing it safe is not always productive in marketing.

When a dental office produces unique marketing approaches, they stand out from the crowd and are more likely to gain attention. People have become so jaded these days that it takes a truly distinctive approach to get them to notice.

Unusual marketing approaches obtain the attention of everyone that sees or experiences them. With a different marketing approach, dental offices will see much greater growth.

Hire Professional Help

Dental practices that are struggling to bring in patients may need to check their marketing strategies. When a dental office’s marketing strategy has become mundane, getting outside help is beneficial.

Hiring a professional marketing team will allow dentists to gain fresh insight into their options. A talented marketing agent can help breathe new life into a marketing plan. Out with the old and in with the new.

If your dental practice is not getting the attention it needs, seek professional help today. With the above tips and professional help, dentists can bring in more patients and expand their practices like never before.

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